The Preferences window

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The Preferences window

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This window opens when you click on the Preferences button in the Welcome page, and here you can give some general settings for how the Program is to work.

Click to expand/collapseReference: The commands in the Preferences window

The options in the General section are:

§Projects folder: this is the folder in which your project file (Project.IWPRJ) is saved, whether you are creating a new project or importing an existing one  (see Project Selection | Import...). Because the folder is already indicated, when you click on the Save button when you are working on your website, the project will be saved in this folder without you being asked to indicate where it should be saved.

§Check for updates at program startup: this option means that new software updates will be looked for each time the Program is started. The Program starts an Internet connection to the Incomedia server to search for any updates.

We advise you to leave this option selected, so that you can be sure you are always working with the latest available version of WebSite X5.

The options for File Creation are:

§Keep Preview updated while working on the Project: makes sure that the website preview is constantly updated with all the developments in your project. This basically means that every time you add something new or make a change to something, and click on an OK or Next button), the Program automatically updates the website preview which you can view locally on your PC using the built-in browser.

§Update the Pages while modifying the Project: synchronizes the pages you create in your website while you are working on your project. So, each time you confirm an addition or change (by clicking on an OK or a Next button), the Program recreates all the parts in other pages in the project that are affected by the new part. This feature keeps the website preview updated and if you click on the Preview to check your progress, you'll see all the additions/changes immediately.

§Max number of simultaneous processes: means you can define the number of processes (or "Threads") that the Program starts, and that will be carried out simultaneously by the computer.

What is Multithreading?

It's a technique whereby one process is divided into several, smaller processes which are carried out at the same time. Obviously, you computer has to be able to handle this. The Multithreading feature makes the most of the computer's calculating power, making it work on several threads at the same time. Thanks to this technique, programs such as %PRODUCT%>, that have been developed to spread the work load over a number of different threads, can noticeably improve performance.

You need to correctly evaluate your computer's hardware capacity to be able to take full advantage of Multithreading. Try starting with 5 simultaneous processes and gradually increase this value until you don't notice any further significant improvements in performance.

Finally, the Local Preview WebServer settings options handle the correct display of website previews:

§Port: is the port that WebSite X5 tells its local web server to watch so that the website previews are displayed correctly.

§IP Address: is the IP address that WebSite X5 tells its local web server to keep an eye on so that the previews of your website come up as you expect them to. The default value for the IP address option is which always identifies the local (your) computer. Most people won't need to change this value.

We advise you not to change the values that you find already set for the Port and IP Address options, unless you are absolutely sure of what you're doing.



Best practices:


How to organize your projects in WebSite X5


How to organize the project backup copies